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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Cade of the week

For my first card of the week I picked Prince Mudeenu. His invisibility strike is nearly unrivalled by all other mipedians and Mudeenu is easily capable of defeating most creatures in a single blow. However, make sure you get first strike because Mudeenu doesn’t last long with his below average energy. Although he’s not the strongest creature in Perim, as they say, brain beats brawns and Mudeenu has loads of it so make sure to include lots of wisdom attacks. He also has reasonable courage. For battle gear, depending if your deck is elementally based or not, the Wind whip (coming out with silent sands) is perfect to give to Mudeenu so he can use air element attacks. Also, the Aqua shield or if you don’t have one, the Ring of Na'arin are great to raise his energy.

1 comment:

Rexis said...

God i want one! Prince M is Great for strike decks