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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Glost Army

Most people see Glost as a pointless warbeast. You need the conjurors tho keep Glost from killing him self and you need to get rid of you conjurors so that Glost gains power. Here's a great deck that uses Glost's powers to near maximum while keeping his recklessness at zero.


1. Ranun/Ravita Flower
2. Glost/Warbeast Power Leash
3. Bylkian/Ravita Flower
4. Savel/Kha'rall Amber Shard
5. Bylkian/Heptadd's Crown
6. Appelai/Wind Whip

-Nourishing Nocturn
-Melodie of Mirage x2
-Song of Shelter x2
-Refrain of Denial (overworld)

-Glacier Plains
-Mipedim Oasis
-Catacombs of the Conjurors x2
-Mipedian Mirage x2
-Sands of the Unseen x2
-Rao' Pa Sahkk x2

-Sunder Ground x2
-Hurlicaine x2
-Trampling Tackle x2
-Blind Fury x2
-Pebblestorm x2
-Radical Ice Balls x2
-Twister of the Elements x2
-Thunder Shout x2
-Slow Sand x2
-Sand Strike x2

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Inresting deck :).
Could use some pump but otherwise looks good...

Havent seen this updated in a while, hope it is updated soon though :D, im starting to lose my touch in making mipedian decks so maybe this can get me back in the game ;)

Talk to ya later,