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Sunday, December 7, 2008


Welcome to the first Public Enemy post. Every two weeks I'll be posting a card that shows a great threat to the Mipedian Empire. I'll explain why this card is so dangerous, how to protect yourself and how to defeat it.

This week's Public Enemy #1 is... Vitar'zu.
This M'arrillian Kha'rall creature is a mipedian slayer.
He renders most speed attacks (one of the main stats in most mipedian armies) useless with his intimidate speed 30.
Thanks to his element proof earth, Vitar'zu gains an extra 25 energy against most mipedians which compensates for even the strongest invisibility attacks.
Finally, when up against mipedians, he deals an extra 5 damage after each attack. After a while it starts to add up.

Simple ways to disable Vitar'zu include using trills of diminution or using creatures that don't use earth and speed attacks (there aren't many of them) like Prince Mudeenu. You could also use Bivike however this is very risky since Bivike has element earth.

Also, Kha'rall Warriors tend to have Kha'rall Shards attached to them for an additional 25 energy. Make sure to always carry a Strain of Expensive Delusions Mugic in preparation for this. This is all the help available at the moment however I have a feeling thing will change with the release of the 6th set.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you could stop him with kolmo(no earth, doesn't rely on speed attacks, and can stop shards with disarm